What is this?
Half web-comic, half guides, half opinions-vault. Created, written and illustrated by an English guy with a poor concept of fractions.
Fundamentally, this is adding another voice to areas in life that I feel aren't spoken about enough: Personal empowerment, emotional growth and embracing the difficult things in life. I attempt to capture the quandaries I'm met with in the hope that others at similar junctures might find it useful.
... or I get distracted, draw something stupid and post that instead.
As for me:

Steve - Head Inker
Aloha! I scrape together the writings, artwork and net stuff you see before you (and spend too long browsing for solutions on w3schools).
I drink tea, play the piano and then ruin it all by slapping creatures in games of Dungeon Keeper.
Generally unsafe to approach whilst commuting.
How can I reach you?
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SquidAndWhimsy/ -
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squid_and_whimsy
Can I reference/share/reprint your work?
If it's not-for-profit... Just attribute it to SquidAndWhimsy.co.uk and all's peachy!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License. Which basically means that you are free to copy and reuse this work (non-commercially) as long as you tell people where it's from and aren't trying to make money from it.
Why squid...?
Because 'Octopus and Whimsy' sounds stupid.
No, really.
Any remotely serious name (like liveyourlifewiththecourageof1000lions.com) sounded eye-wateringly pretentious and had the appeal of snorting vinegar.
More importantly, the informal name is a permanent reminder for me not to get above myself. After all, it's hard to successfully wield a stick up your butt if your avatar is a vacant-looking squid.