Getting started
Ahoy! New here and not sure where to begin?
Considering that the number of articles aren't in double-digits yet, this page is perhaps a little moot at present. Anyway...

If there's only one idea that you leave with
The very first article and one that underpins everything else written on the website.
It was hard to know how to kick everything off, but I went for what I feel is one of the most important concepts when reading opinion pieces and life advice:
Never take ramblings at face value. Test, tailor and measure advice against your own experiences. Find what actually works, not what you are just told will work.

Your inner narrator
One of my favourite things to have emerged from the realms of psychology. That trusting your head-voice is not always a good idea.
Whilst drafting other posts, I found myself referring to these findings again and again... so felt that it deserved a page all to itself. To me, knowing how you can unwittingly lie to yourself is a valuable ally in any form of self improvement.
So say hello to your inner narrator and find out why introspection may not be all that it's cracked up to be.