Orb it all
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Hunter is, without a doubt, the most useless ally to ever grace a computer game, and that is being incredibly generous with the term ally. You are apparently on the same side, trying to collect orbs together. However, Hunter purposefully withholds them only to "reward" you with them if you do stupid things like train his pet menta ray or beat him at a game of catch-the-exploding rocks.
The safety of his kingdom is apparently secondary to his baleful sense of personal amusement, so you can only return home after you save the day and dance for him like some kind of performing monkey. He is everything you hated about group projects at school and more.
His worst offence was during the final boss where he, despite knowing what you look like, would chuck down orbs in the most ridiculous of places. The pterodactyls in the previous boss at least had an excuse as they are barely sentient. Hunter on the other hand, must have either a sick sense of humour, terrible eyesight or a tangerine for a brain. Or all of the above.